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EpiVision Release Notes / Version 1.7 / 30.08.2021

V1.7 Re-Design und Verbesserung der Usability

Overview new features:


  • Adaptation and standardization of the design in all tables and forms
  • new, optimized arrangement of the auxiliary elements
  • Translation button for automatic translation now directly in the tool


  • Language selection in the translation tool between original language or translation
  • Duplication of projects for localization into different target languages
  • Revision of client-side programming to improve the speed of the tools.


  • zahlreiche Bug-Fixes



The translation tool has received a new division between video and text boxes. In addition, a menu for global notes, settings and help has been added below the video.

Re-design of the manuscript with increased flexibility of individual resolutions:


Language selection

Language selection in translation tools between original language and translation in all areas

Project duplication

In some cases, the creation of a project duplicate is useful. This function has now been added in version 1.7. All takes, manuscripts and videos are duplicated from the original project. This can be interesting, for example, for localizations into multiple languages or for creating multiple project versions.